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Meet Peter Scribner
Gabber Magazine 2005
There's so much talk and controversy over prescription drugs these days, you probably don't want to read any further.
However, reading this article might just give you a little more than you bargained for - like some answers.
Meet Peter F. Scribner, President of Gulfport Healthcare, Inc. With a name like that, you already know you won't be dealing with some huge company - and, in the world of prescription drugs, that's definitely a good thing.
Scribner, a stockbroker in his former life, moved to the area several years ago. When his wife became ill, her medication bills were near $25,000 a month. Scribner became very familiar with the outrageous costs of healthcare, and particularly medication.
"I thought to myself, 'What on earth do people without insurance do?'" explains Scribner. "I felt a definite need to help people in that situation."
It was out of that belief that Gulfport Healthcare was born.
Gulfport Healthcare is not an insurance company. Its focus is on prescription medication and other healthcare needs for those unwilling or unable to spend their life's savings to get them. The company is really about empowering people to find reasonable prices for the medication and supplies they need.
With the availability of 5,000 different prescription and generic drugs, and great savings on eye glasses, contacts, natural remedies and more, Gulfport Healthcare provides customers user-friendly access to virtually any healthcare supply or prescription they need. From name brand and generic medications,
Gulfport Healthcare provides all of your medications at an average savings of over 50% - no special cards or plans needed.
How does that work, you ask? Well, it's no trick.
Gulfport Healthcare's services are available entirely online at GulfportHealthcare.net, though Scribner is more than happy to help customers over the phone or make house calls. Working in a partnership with a well respected online Canadian pharmacy, Gulfport Healthcare can provide you with the exact same safe medications you get from your local pharmacy.
Because the Canadian Government has drug pricing polices different from those of the United States, Gulfport Healthcare is able to bring you those medications at significantly lower prices. Same drugs - lower prices. No strings, guaranteed.
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Self Confidence Through Hypnosis-Chapter 5
Are you as confident as you would really like to be? Numerous individuals discover that they are subdued from reaching their full potentiality due to a deficiency of self-confidence. The fundamental thing about self-confidence is that it is all in your mind – it is about how you believe and what memories, opinions and thought habits you have shaped since you were young. That which stems from your ideas, conscious and subconscious can be easily changed using your mind.
But it is not as simple as just making up one's mind that you want to think otherwise, and boost your self-confidence. A really important part of taking on new beliefs and change is to make them into automatic habits.
Making them things that you do automatically without having to consciously think about them. As human beings, we are by nature resistive to change. It takes the average person a minimum of twenty-one, conscious repetitions of a new conduct, before they replace an old habit with a new one. So reading this self-help book once is not enough.
There is an easy and efficient way of altering habits and building new subconscious programs. You can use self-hypnosis and guided visualization to get at and re-program your subconscious mind in order to give rise to permanent change in the shortest possible time.
Professionally designed self-hypnosis or plans enable you to access thought patterns, mental attitudes and beliefs that you may not even be consciously cognizant off and replace them with new ones. They also direct you to do active inner searches to enable you to get at undeveloped resources that you can use to help you achieve your potentiality.
A well designed self-hypnosis program will maneuver you through a conscious and subconscious process of releasing negative programming of failure and defeat that you have assembled from childhood on. They motivate you to seriously evaluate all the reasons which you think have added to your lack of confidence, and then to substitute unconscious programming that is no longer of benefit to you.
A well put together self-hypnosis program can outfit you with a powerful guided visualization that you can do whenever you experience your confidence going down, which will fill you with the foregone conclusion that you are capable of achieving the task about which you were doubtful.
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