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Peter Scribner
St. Petersburg, Florida, United States
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Meet Peter Scribner

By Shelly Wilson

Gabber Magazine 2005

There's so much talk and controversy over prescription drugs these days, you probably don't want to read any further.

However, reading this article might just give you a little more than you bargained for - like some answers.

Meet Peter F. Scribner, President of Gulfport Healthcare, Inc. With a name like that, you already know you won't be dealing with some huge company - and, in the world of prescription drugs, that's definitely a good thing.

Scribner, a stockbroker in his former life, moved to the area several years ago. When his wife became ill, her medication bills were near $25,000 a month. Scribner became very familiar with the outrageous costs of healthcare, and particularly medication.

"I thought to myself, 'What on earth do people without insurance do?'" explains Scribner. "I felt a definite need to help people in that situation."

It was out of that belief that Gulfport Healthcare was born.

Gulfport Healthcare is not an insurance company. Its focus is on prescription medication and other healthcare needs for those unwilling or unable to spend their life's savings to get them. The company is really about empowering people to find reasonable prices for the medication and supplies they need.

With the availability of 5,000 different prescription and generic drugs, and great savings on eye glasses, contacts, natural remedies and more, Gulfport Healthcare provides customers user-friendly access to virtually any healthcare supply or prescription they need. From name brand and generic medications,
Gulfport Healthcare provides all of your medications at an average savings of over 50% - no special cards or plans needed.

How does that work, you ask? Well, it's no trick.

Gulfport Healthcare's services are available entirely online at GulfportHealthcare.net, though Scribner is more than happy to help customers over the phone or make house calls. Working in a partnership with a well respected online Canadian pharmacy, Gulfport Healthcare can provide you with the exact same safe medications you get from your local pharmacy.

Because the Canadian Government has drug pricing polices different from those of the United States, Gulfport Healthcare is able to bring you those medications at significantly lower prices. Same drugs - lower prices. No strings, guaranteed.

Our Pharmacy

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Copyright Gulfport Healthcare 2005. Powered by Blogger.

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Thursday, December 2, 2010

Naturally Cure for Headaches Part 1 of 40 articles

Three Exercises That Help with Headaches

All of us need to deal with pain from time to time but the pain of a headache can be something that can really set us on end.  Some of us may experience headaches on a regular basis and they can be approaching what would be considered chronic pain.  That doesn't always need to be the case and there are three exercises that can be done regularly which will help in many cases to be able to overcome these headaches that you are experiencing.

The first type of exercise is a combination of cardiovascular and weightlifting exercises.  There are so many different ways for you to be able to do this exercise but the real essence of it is the fact that you are going to be building up the body from the inside out.  Exercise not only helps to balance the body internally, it also assist in doing such things as increasing circulation.  A lack of circulation is behind headaches in many cases and other things which exercise does, such as the release of endorphins, can help you to be headache free for the rest of your life.  It is important for you to realize, however, that you should not be doing the exercises while you are in the middle of the headache.  Just make sure that you get your exercise in daily and you will notice a difference.

Another type of exercises which can assist you with headaches are stretching exercises.  It always helps to stretch on a daily basis but this is especially true if you have a problem with tension in the neck and shoulder areas.  This is commonly felt by individuals who have desk jobs, particularly those who use computers on a regular basis.  Make it a point to stretch on an hourly schedule, keeping your neck and shoulders loose and you will notice less headaches as a result.

One final way of exercising is to do some form of yoga or Pilates.  This can fall into either of the two previous categories but in reality, it is a category all of its own.  Not only are these exercises excellent for building up the body but they also help us by giving us time to relax and meditate.  This can help to build the mind, released some of the stress that you are feeling and avoid many of the triggers would cause headaches in the first place.
Headache Articles

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Next Article Part 2 Are You Getting Enough Sleep to Avoid Headaches?

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Accelerated Disease of the Aged in Alzheimers

Due to economical, social, healthcare, education, and other factors the diseases in our older generation are accelerating. Older people may lack education that helps them to spot signs at early stages, which can help geriatrists find cures to various diseases. In addition, as one grows older they tend to avoid socialization. The lack of socialism has caused acceleration of disease. Healthcare is deficient, which has also caused major problems for the older generation, as well as the younger societians.

With so many continuing problems experts of specialize in healthcare for senior citizens is finding solutions, yet these answers is not enough to stop the acceleration of diseases.

Alzheimer’s is a form of dementias, which can escalate to progeroid syndrome. The condition will cause aging signs to increase dramatically, which shortens the expectancy of life. We see this type of disease in our younger generation as well. Children who bald early, or have hunches in the back has encountered accelerated aging conditions.

The condition moves to form Hutchinson - Gilford syndrome, or progeria. Werner’s syndrome may also develop early. In addition, various other diseases may follow, including Down syndrome. This is where Alzheimer’s come in, since it is a general condition known as the sister of progeroid syndrome. Downs starts the aging process to accelerate swiftly. The condition affects glucose, which is the sugar source of energy that promotes proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Blood vessels are affected as well, which starts another disease that leads to intolerance. Gradually the disease begins affecting the entire body, which can develop into cancer. In addition, the disease can escalate to degenerative bone illnesses. Once the bones are hit, thus the body diminishes rapidly. As well, Down syndrome can cause hair loss, which is another symptom of acceleration of aging. Moreover, the disease can cause death prematurely. Down syndrome is damning, since it will target CNS (Central Nervous System), which leads to retardation. The brain starts to deteriorate, which causes Alzheimer’s disease to develop, as well as dementia.

How to fight back

To ward off these diseases early detections must be considered. Most diseases will send signals at the early stages to warn you. If you notice any symptoms emerging, seek medical treatment immediately. Even if the condition is minor, the doctor can move to action to prevent further problems.

The best thing we have in life is the ability to communicate. Use the gift we have, and speak with your physician regularly. Staying informed is another gift, which we have a wide array of information to help us learn. Learning is a beautiful gift and condition that we use to grow healthy. Use it to your advantage.

Statistics has not only shown, but has also proven that those who effectively communicate with their healthcare experts, discussing their condition with the professional medical experts, thus statistics have shown that these people live longer and healthier. Effectively communication however is not only speaking, but it is also the act of joining in the actions to better your health. This moves us back to learning.

When you are informed, you have knowledge that drives you to a well-versed solution. The strategies to take to prevent the diseases include, talking, taking action, partaking, listening, learning (specifically about your condition and overall health), visit your physician at regular intervals, and taking steps with your doctor to prevent disease.

Studies has shown that elders with Alzheimer’s disease also has sister diseases, which counteract the other. To avoid such complications one must consider primary healthcare, and know when to contact the doctor when symptoms emerge. Record keeping can help you continue to monitor your health, which is an outstanding method to reduce disease.

Goal Setting With Hypnosis Chapter 6

Learn Better Ways To Achieve Your Goals One highly powerful benefit of using hypnosis is the power to train your mind to stay centered on the successful accomplishment of your goal. You will be able to program a specific effect and retain the ability to consciously divert your attention to it in a favorable,success-affirming manner. You can as well eradicate self-sabotage and remove the negative feelings and ideas that are blocking your path to success.

Here are a few ideas for using hypnosis as a goal accomplishment tool.

1. Envision. Program yourself with your desired result. While under the influence of self hypnosis visually imagine that your goal is already achieved and your objective has been accomplished. See it as true. See it through your own eyes and feel all the marvelous feelings associated with that goal accomplishment.

2. Doggedness. Get down into your subconscious mind and alter your inner character traits to match those people who never quit. Program your subconscious mind to be relentless regardless of what is going on in any given state of affairs. Post hypnotic suggestions to formulate an iron will and relentless approach to your goals will be priceless in times of stress and disenchantment.

3. Believe Positively. Discover how to think positively. The subconscious mind has a disposition to replay past memories and cast them back into consciousness in the form of questions and fears. Through the practice of self hypnosis you are able to completely eliminate them. Program your subconscious mind to believe positively and anticipate positive results.

4. Program out the Trouble. Inevitably some trouble will arise when you go after worthwhile goals. Through hypnosis you are able to solve these troubles reasonably quickly. While in trance see yourself successfully passing over the obstacle. You don't have to see how you did it, just visualize yourself at the other side, alleviated, happy and proud that you "figured it out" and reached the other side. If this, in itself, is a problem for you, or you find it difficult to do then look for the advice of a qualified hypnotherapist. A competent hypnotherapist will determine the root of your trouble probably in the fits consultation!

5. Pre-pave your route. Conceive of yourself meeting the correct people and being in the correct place at the correct time. Program your mind like this, by the power of hypnosis, and your subconscious mind will pick up on non-verbal hints, process the 1000000s of bits of information you receive every minute and guide you to the right course of action.

6. Develop Trust. utilize hypnosis to convince the subconscious mind that your destination is already a reality. "Fake it till you make it". Fool your subconscious mind into thinking the "real" world is really exactly like the world you have been envisioning. In the profoundly relaxed state that hypnosis offers you are able to get fully involved in your mental image. Truly feel how great it is to have already achieved all those things you wanted for so long. Enjoy the fact that you're enjoying the benefits of having accomplished that goal.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Immediate Gratification For Breaking Bad Habits

A habit is any process that we have executed so often that it becomes virtually an involuntary response. If we believe this habit to be unsuitable then we might label it a "bad habit". Individuals spend infinite hours and dollars yearly attempting to break these bad habits and oftentimes don't have any success. How come? Because there's no magic bullet. Modification is hard work and there's no short cut to accomplishing it. The steps an individual needs to take, though, can be very simply outlined. To force a change in habits, one needs to bring the action back into the region of consciousness and find the power to make choices.

The beginning step in breaking a bad habit is to view why you find this action so compelling. Put differently, what's the reward for doing this apparently damaging thing? Since you've already relegated this as a "bad" habit you might be tempted to say there isn't one. However look closer. There's always a reward. Let's say your bad habit is screaming at your kids. What's in it for you? You blow off some steam and feel a bit better for the time being. Or you've a bad habit of leaving the dishes dirty? The reward may be that you get to spend more time on the Net!

Following, consider the trade-off. What is it that you're missing by doing your habit? This step ought to be easier. Just consider why it is that you believe it a bad habit in the first place. Screaming at your children is a bad habit as it leaves everyone feeling tense and pulls down your kid’s self-regard. You're trading a temporary dismissal of tension for the emotional wellness of your kids. Leaving the dishes dirty is a bad habit as your kitchen is a stinking mess. To have more Net time you're swapping off having pleasant living surroundings. When you view it that way it doesn't seem like you're making very sensible choices, does it? There has to be a more beneficial way.

By now you ought to realize that the only way to carry on with a bad habit for very long is to settle back into denial of why you're doing it in the first place. For each one time you start to restart your old patterns the thought will pass across your mind that you're trading X for Y for each one time you execute that action. You'll be forced to make a choice, whether good for bad, about persisting in your habit. What selections will you make? The one that makes you feel sorry about yourself or the one that makes you feel fine? It's up to you.
Monday, November 15, 2010

Quantitative Easing Explained

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

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Monday, October 25, 2010

Protein Evaluation

Proteins are made up of amino acids. Some of these amino acids are indispensable, others may be made from the essential amino acids.

No two proteins have the same amino acid content. Some of them are very deficient in one or more of the essential amino acids. Either the amino acid is entirely absent or it is present in such minute quantity that one would be forced to consume enormous quantities of the protein to secure an adequate supply of the deficient amino acid. Proteins lacking in an essential amino acid are inadequate proteins.

According to their adequacy, individual proteins are grouped as: 
  1. Complete: Those maintaining life and providing for normal growth of the young and reproduction in the adult when fed as the sole protein food. Examples of complete proteins are excelsin of the Brazilnut, glycinin, of the soy-bean, casein and lactalbumen of milk, ovalbumen and ovovitallin of eggs, edestin, glutenin and maize glutellin of cereals. Rose showed that the proteins most suitable for maintaining growth in dogs are lactalbumen (milk), ovalbumen and ovavitellin (eggs); that next in order of suitableness are glutenin (wheat), casein (milk), glutelin (corn) and glycinin (soy bean). Gliadin(wheat and rye) and legumin (peas) are capable of maintaining nitrogen balance, but not growth. Zein and gelatin can do neither.
  2. Partially Complete: Those maintaining life but not supporting normal growth. Examples of these are gliadin, of wheat, hordein of barley and prolamin of rye, legumin of peas, legumenin in the soybean, conglutin, in blue and yellow lupin, phaseolin in the white kidney bean, legumin and vignin in vetch.
  3.  Incomplete: Those incapable either of maintaining life or of supporting growth. Gelatin from horn and other hard parts of the animal is the most conspicuous example of an incomplete protein, Zein of corn (maize) is another example of this class.
Let us take a look at an incomplete protein. With zein as the sole source of amino acids, growth is impossible. In fact, experimental animals fed zein as their sole protein, lose weight. If tryptophan isadded to the zein, weight is maintained but growth does not occur. Only after both lysine and tryptophan are added can normal growth take place. Zein is deficient in tryptophan, glycine, lysine and glycocoll.
Gliadin, found abundantly in wheat and rye, lacks sufficient lusine to maintain growth. Gelatin lacks tyrosin and tryptophan. Unless these are supplied to the animal fed on gelatin as its sole source of protein,
it soon dies.

Thus it may be seen that since the nutritive value of proteins is determined by the kinds and quantities of amino acids they contain, all proteins are not of equal value to the body and cannot be used interchangeably. The nutritive value of foods cannot be determined by reference to a table of food composition. This fallacy was exposed by Prof. Huxley many years ago. Sophie Leppel followed him in protesting against the belief that tables of food analysis give reliable indexes to food values. All the fuss made about the need for 118
grams of protein daily, without specifying the kinds of proteins, does not amount to much.
While I have emphasized the fact that the various proteins are not interchangeable, it is necessary to distinguish between the various isolated proteins and the common protein foods. All protein foods
contain two or more proteins. The deficiencies of one protein of a food are often made up by the other protein of the same food. For example, tryptophan may be lacking in one protein and one of the
other proteins in the same food may be rich in this amino acid. Returning to zein of corn, which, as we have seen, will not maintain life; it is supplemented by glutelin, of which the corn possesses almost an equal amount, and these two proteins are capable of supporting a normal rate of growth. Gliadin of wheat and rye lack
sufficient lysine to maintain growth. But wheat contains other proteins which supply liberal portions of this amino acid.
We do not eat isolated individual proteins and do not depend upon but one such protein as our source of amino acids. On the contrary, we eat whole foods which contain two or several proteins. We also eat several foods, all of which contain proteins. Just as one protein in a food may supplement another protein in the same food, so the protein of one food may supplement the protein of another food. Two inadequate proteins may prove adequate when supplied to the same individual. This can be so, of course, only when they are not both
inadequate in the same amino acids. If each is abundant in what is lacking in the other, the combined proteins will prove adequate. The sum total of the various proteins in the diet, if the diet is varied, will prove fully adequate.

It is customary to use young rats in testing the value of the various proteins. It is obvious to everyone that young rats never attempt to live on isolated and single proteins. They eat the whole food and eat different kinds of protein foods so that they receive all of the needed amino acids. Most of the experiments with the different vegetable and grain proteins have been made with denatured proteins and may not prove all that they are supposed to prove. They have been performed with isolated, individual proteins and Hindhede aptly says of these substances that, far from being remarkable that these isolated proteins have so little value, "it is remarkable that such substances, isolated by complicated chemical processes, have any value at all." It may be ideal for experimental purposes, in testing the value of the different proteins, to use only single isolated proteins, but it is a far cry from this experimental condition to the eating practices of man and animals. It is not only true that the diets of both man and animals commonly contain more than one kind of protein food, but it is also true that all protein foods contain two or more proteins. If only a single protein food were consumed, the diet would contain more than one protein. Note the different proteins in corn, wheat, milk and eggs. It frequently happens that the protein in one food is abundant in the amino acids in which the protein in another food is deficient. Thus the two proteins supplement each other so that, together, they constitute a complete protein. Often the deficiency in a protein is so small that a very slight addition of the deficient amino acids from another source suffices to support normal growth and maintenance. All proteins are, therefore, capable of supplying the body with important nutritive substances. The mere fact that a protein is inadequate is not sufficient reason for rejecting it completely.

It is true that some mixtures of protein foods have been shown to be inferior, even, to certain single articles of protein. This is especially true of the grains as compared to milk. Some of the cereal proteins are adequate, but only so when fed in large amounts. Glutenin from wheat may be made to supply a sufficiency of amino acids in which it is deficient only by separating this protein from the wheat and feeding it in concentrated form and in amounts one could not secure by eating wheat. Edistin of hemp is another example of this kind. In
small quantities it does not supply sufficient lusine. The same thing is true of the casein of milk. It is low in cystine, hence in small quantities, does not supply sufficient of this amino acid. Thus it becomes apparent that some complete proteins may prove to be partially incomplete when fed in reduced amounts.

A mixture of grains will not suffice to maintain growth and repair. Rye and barley are about the only grains that are adequate for the adult body. Even a mixture of as many as ten varieties of grains does not provide adequate protein for growth due to the fact that all of them are poor in lysin and cystin and most of them contain too little tryptophan.
In regular practice we do not consume casein as our sole source of protein, nor do we live upon an exclusive grain diet. We regularly consume many other protein-containing foods. Hygienists, on the other hand, have long contended that grains form no normal part of man's diet and have long considered them to be inferior foods. Dr.Densmore was the first to point out the inferiority of grains as an article of human consumption. We are not surprised that the experimenters have fully verified most of his contentions. More of this in a later Post

Amino Acids-What you need to know

Every species of plant and animal has its own characteristic proteins. The proteins of closely related species are different. Indeed the proteins of different structures of the same organism are different. It has been estimated that there are 1600 different proteins in the human body. Similar complexity of protein constitution exists in the tissues of practically all animals. Each plant, also, possesses several different proteins in its makeup, each different tissue possessing its own characteristic protein. The proteins of the food supply are very different to those of the animal taking that food. These have to be broken down and reconverted into proteins peculiar to the eater. When protein digestion is completed the protein has been broken down into simpler compounds known as amino acids. These are organic acids containing nitrogen. It does not seem necessary that I here enter into any detailed and technical discussion of the complexities of their chemical constitution. This can be of no value to my lay readers and my professional readers may consult their text books and reference books to refresh their memories upon this subject.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Self Confidence Through Hypnosis-Chapter 5

The only way to truly succeed in this life and your business is to have ample self confidence. .

Boost Your Self Image

Are you as confident as you would really like to be? Numerous individuals discover that they are subdued from reaching their full potentiality due to a deficiency of self-confidence. The fundamental thing about self-confidence is that it is all in your mind – it is about how you believe and what memories, opinions and thought habits you have shaped since you were young. That which stems from your ideas, conscious and subconscious can be easily changed using your mind.

But it is not as simple as just making up one's mind that you want to think otherwise, and boost your self-confidence. A really important part of taking on new beliefs and change is to make them into automatic habits.

Making them things that you do automatically without having to consciously think about them. As human beings, we are by nature resistive to change. It takes the average person a minimum of twenty-one, conscious repetitions of a new conduct, before they replace an old habit with a new one. So reading this self-help book once is not enough.

There is an easy and efficient way of altering habits and building new subconscious programs. You can use self-hypnosis and guided visualization to get at and re-program your subconscious mind in order to give rise to permanent change in the shortest possible time.

Professionally designed self-hypnosis or plans enable you to access thought patterns, mental attitudes and beliefs that you may not even be consciously cognizant off and replace them with new ones. They also direct you to do active inner searches to enable you to get at undeveloped resources that you can use to help you achieve your potentiality.

A well designed self-hypnosis program will maneuver you through a conscious and subconscious process of releasing negative programming of failure and defeat that you have assembled from childhood on. They motivate you to seriously evaluate all the reasons which you think have added to your lack of confidence, and then to substitute unconscious programming that is no longer of benefit to you.

A well put together self-hypnosis program can outfit you with a powerful guided visualization that you can do whenever you experience your confidence going down, which will fill you with the foregone conclusion that you are capable of achieving the task about which you were doubtful.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

What Can Self Hypnosis Do For Your Business-Chapter 4-Programing for money

Turn Your Brain Into A Money Machine

Now that you are deeply relaxed, it is time to embed (=program) into your Subconscious a few useful statements to help you accomplish your goals. You may supply any instructions of your own design.

You will merely restate each instruction about twenty-thirty times. There is no need to be worried about a rigid count. The more relaxed and untroubled you are when you repeat your instruction, the more in force they will be.

At this time, do not waste your time attempting to envision anything or feel some deep feeling.
Simply take the plan of attack of being the boss who is giving some directions to his servant. There is no need to scream, no need to force.

The less agitated you can feel at the time of giving these directions, the faster they will produce the end-results you want.

Good example: (For the financial area) The succeeding are the instructions you will

How to Get Anything You Want

New discoveries, practical strategies, insightful tips, and on-target skills to maximize your work and enhance your life. Get the best from yourself and win. Power points t... [Read more]

give to yourself, one at a time, and restating each one about twenty-thirty times (or more if you wish to) prior to going to the following instruction and without making any efforts whatever.
Simply think about these instructions sinking deeper and deeper into your subconscious mind:

  1. I am a money attractor
  2. I draw in money like a magnet.
  3. I pull in money quickly and easily.
  4. I am a millionaire. (apply “Every day I am becoming more and more financially well-fixed” if you have a hard time accepting “I am a millionaire”).

Observe: You may as well use different arrangements such as “John, you are a money magnet”, or even “John, BE a money magnet”.

Try out different things and find out which format is most well-situated and natural for you.
Friday, September 3, 2010

Tantric G-Spot Orgasm & Female Ejaculation: Awakening Her Sacred Gate To Supreme Bliss

Tantric G-Spot Orgasm and Female Ejaculation shows you how to supercharge your sexual play with Tantric G-Spot Orgasms of incredible power and emotional sweetness. In our new how-to sex manual, we guide you to expand your capacity for pleasure by learning to give and receive the amazing ecstasy of Female Ejaculation. Our ebook teaches you step-by-step how to deepen the intimacy of your love life with Tantric Sex, based on thousands of years of tradition and practice. We call the G-Spot the Sacred Gate because it' s the doorway to profound ecstasy, full body orgasms, awakened consciousness, and levels of arousal that can only be described as mind altering. The Sacred Gate to Nirvana or Heaven.

No longer will your or your lover's G-Spot be mysterious and elusive. After reading Chapter 5, you'll know exactly how to find it. After reading Chapter 6, you'll know exactly how to touch and excite it. After reading Chapter 9, you'll know exactly how to pleasure it during intercourse.

In its 12 packed chapters, you'll find powerful techniques to master your own sexual forces, your desires and needs. Because the book is dedicated to the Goddess in every woman, the ebook clearly and graphically explains how to understand female anatomy, enhance female sexual arousal, and find all of her juiciest erogenous zones. Using 36 Kama Sutra sexual positions, we thoroughly demonstrate how to hit your beloved's deepest orgasmic triggers to make sexual intercourse profoundly ecstatic.

More than a reference book or romance novel, we've turned our wealth of knowledge into a practical, do-it-yourself training program for men and women that's both comprehensive and user friendly. It reveals the mysteries hidden deep within your bodies, answers all your questions, and thoroughly explains everything you need to know to have the best sex you've ever had. In addition, we help you experience the feelings you want to create with hot juicy erotic stories of real-life encounters.

Though it's amazingly easy to read and follow, we've jammed Tantric G-Spot Orgasm & Female Ejaculation with frank, accurate, up-to-date information about sexual anatomy, physiology, stimulation and responses. We've backed up the facts with charts, pictures, detailed instructions, and down-to-earth language. Our program-in-an-ebook is richly punctuated with 56 hands-on exercises and 65 sexual practices to quickly teach you these powerful erotic skills.
With the latest scientific findings building on the ancient Tantric traditions, you're going to discover a whole host of new ways to exchange sexual delight: full-body orgasms, multiple orgasms, and extended orgasms with maximum energy that take you to Supreme Bliss. Along the way you'll discover ways that Tantra, the ancient eastern practice of sacred sexuality, can help you drop negative sexual attitudes, release unwanted inhibitions, and awaken dormant sex-positive and expanding responses.

Making Hypnosis Work For You-Chapter 3

You are able to as well take this self hypnosis a bit further if you want. You are able to learn to give yourself specific therapy as you become more established. Here are a few strategies you are able to use after you have reached relaxation.

What the mind conceives of, it trusts has really happened. If you conceive of something bad happening to you, you'll feel the emotions as though it's truly happening. This can make the mind distressed, as it will inwardly trust that these things have truly happened to you.

Success spawns success, so if you envision yourself achieving something, then it will help you to do simply that. You might wish to envision yourself slimmer, healthier, more successful or wealthier for instance.
Or you might wish to envision yourself having achieved something, like a promotion or a new job. Make the image as real as you are able to, use as many of your senses as you are able to, and do this as frequently.
You're only limited by your vision. As a matter of fact you should notice that your creative mightiness increases the more that you use self hypnosis, as your mind gets more accustomed to using its creative powers. Stick with it.

What I sometimes discover is that individuals will stop using hypnosis once they've made the essential improvements that they wished to make. All the same this may finally deny you the overall benefits of the increased relaxation, as affairs may slowly slip back to

where they started. Set a particular time to do it, even if it's only once or twice a week, and stick to it. If you have particular subjects that you wish to deal with, then step this up accordingly, perhaps daily for a few weeks.

This technique will help some of you to better your mental and physical well-being, and realize what a safe and powerful tool for change hypnosis is. As many people as possible should live long, healthy and happy and successful lives.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Prado E--Cigarette is a battery powered

Prado E-Cigarette is battery powered and provides smokers inhaled doses of tobacco flavored nicotine by delivering a vaporized liquid nicotine solution to the lungs. When the body absorbs the nicotine, users exhale a harmless water vapor that resembles smoke. This enables the user to smoke the device anywhere without creating harmful second hand smoke. 
Chief Medical Correspondent of CNN says, "This is becoming quite popular! Nicotine in and of itself is used to help people stop smoking..."and... "We had somebody who's a smoker try this and they were actually pretty surprised at how much it did feel like smoking, you do have the device that looks like a cigarette, your putting it to your mouth and puffing it like a cigarette...he was actually really surprised at how much it felt like a cigarette." 
E-Cigarettes, They’re marketed as a way for smokers to get a nicotine fix without out paying high taxes and facing bans on lighting up in Public Places...
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What Can Self Hypnosis Do For You Business-Chapter 2 What the Trance is About

Chapter 2-What the Trance is About

If you're struggling with the technique of self hypnosis and becoming completely relaxed, then hang in there. Moving into a hypnotic state is a skill that will get better over time.

Don’t anticipate too much, hypnosis isn't the ‘magic state’ that the mass medium frequently portrays it as being. You'll in all likelihood still be cognizant of what is going on around you, and might well think ‘is this it?’ All the same you'll notice the difference when you awake.

It might be worthwhile visiting a clinical hypnotherapist, or purchasing a recording at least one time, in order to get the feeling of a trance. When you have felt a trance a couple of times, you'll be more informed as to what frame of mind you're seeking.
Monday, August 16, 2010

How to get rid of a cramp immediately-Pinch your upper lip

My brother recently had hip replacement surgery and during his first day of rehab he developed a severe cramp in his right leg. Since that was the same side as the new hip he couldn't stretch or do anything to avoid the cramp pain. His rehabilitation therapist told us of an old "Eastern Medicine" trick that he learned and it was to simply pinch your upper lip by the thumb and forefinger (as shown in the video) and  amazingly enough within a few seconds the cramp goes away. Try it the next time you get a cramp. I can't explain it, but it works!
Friday, August 13, 2010

FREE eBook! What Can Self Hypnosis Do For You And Your Business-Chapter 1

FREE eBook! "What can Self Hypnosis Do For You and Your Business"

If you would like to receive all ten parts please complete the following:

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1:
Let’s Get Started-Relaxing
Chapter 2:
What The Trance Is About
Chapter 3:
How To Put Self Hypnosis To Work
Chapter 4:
Programming For Money
Chapter 5:
Self Confidence Through Hypnosis
Chapter 6:
Goal Setting With Hypnosis
Chapter 7:
Stress Management
Chapter 8:
How Can Hypnosis Help You
Chapter 9:
Is It Safe?
Chapter 10:
Coming Out

Chapter 1: Let's Get Started-Relaxing

In the first place, you'll need to make certain that you will not be distracted for at the least half an hour, preferably an 60 minutes. Switch off phones, and tell loved ones and friends not to trouble you. Find a comfy place. Someplace that's neat and tidy, and of a comfortable temperature.

Reduce the lighting if this assists you. If you like, you could fire up some candles and burn some incense. You are able to be seated, or you can lay down – whichever you favor. Importantly make certain that your legs are not crossed, as they could end up going to sleep after half an hour.

1. Shut your eyes and conduct ten easy deep breaths – in by the nose, and out by the mouth. Say to yourself the word ‘Relax’ on every out breath.
2. Conceive of yourself at the top of ten steps, with a doorway at the bottom. With every slow step you take downward, feel yourself getting more deeply relaxed.
3. Once you arrive at the bottom open the door to your paragon place of relaxation. It may be a beach, a garden, anyplace. It could be someplace real, or imaginary – your own uniquely particular relaxing haven.
4. Utilize as many senses as you are able to. Take a good look about. Pause and hear all of the sounds. Maybe you are able to hear the call of a bird, or the wind gently blowing out. Perhaps you are able to smell the angelic scent of flowers, or the salt in the ocean? Touch things, and make the experience as actual as you potentially can.
5. Explore your unstraining haven, and enjoy it for as long as you want.

This is a bang-up strategy to help relaxation, and your ability to loosen up will improve the more you do this. Most of us don't relax anywhere near enough, and this can harm our health and our businesses in many ways.
Lack of relaxation can break down our immune systems, making us become more prone to malady. Poor relaxation may as well increase temper, anxiety, poor attention span and sadness. These troubles can affect our behavior, increasing our likelihood to overeat, smoke, drink, takes drugs etc. Even if you just do this relaxation work, you'll massively improve your total health and business in almost every area.

Next Post
Chapter 2: What the Trance Is About (Get all ten chapters)
Friday, August 6, 2010

Sound Oasis Sound Therapy System - System with Sleep/Relaxation/Wellness Sound Card

Sound Oasis Sound Therapy System 650 The Sound Oasis Sound Therapy System is a sound therapy machine that delivers a therapeutic experience, creating a soothing atmosphere to help you relax. By blocking out irritating noises with sounds of nature, the Sound Oasis Sound Therapy System helps the user to fall asleep easier while receiving a higher quality of sleep, thus becoming more alert and comfortable throughout the day. With extra long, high fidelity sounds and the patented Sleep Enhancement technology that slows down to lull users to sleep, the Sound Oasis Sound Therapy System is a perfect sleep aid for anyone suffering from sleep disorders or for those who simply enjoy the soothing sounds of nature. The user may add new sounds of nature to the Sound Oasis Sound Therapy System by simply inserting a memory card containing 12 different sounds. The Sound Oasis Sound Therapy System also features a backlit alarm clock, a multi-positioning timer, and a unique volume reduction for a peaceful decrease in sound volume. In addition to a headphone/speaker pillow jack and a 4-position timer, the Sound Oasis Sound Therapy System is also equipped with an omni-directional reflective speaker that projects sound from the back of the unit for rich, deep sound therapy experience. Get the sleep that you finally deserve when you buy your Sound Oasis Sound Therapy System today from Active Forever! Sound Oasis Sound Therapy System Features: Provides soothing sound therapy to help you relax and sleep Easy-to-use, perfect for all ages Sound themes included: Sleep, Relaxation, Wellness Sound card technology enabled Patented Sleep Enhancement technology lulls users to sleep 4 position timer: continuous, 30, 60, 90 min. plus continuous with gentle off Backlit alarm clock (variable brightness) - wake up to sound or buzzer Sound Oasis Sound Therapy System Specifications: Powered by 4 AA batteries (not included) for portability or AC adapter (included) Headphone/ Sleep pillow jack (headphones and pillow not included) Includes Sleep/Relaxation/Wellness sound card Sound Oasis Sound Therapy System Sleep/Relaxation/Wellness Sound Card Contents: Ocean Surf - Ocean surf provides a calm rhythm that helps you drift off to sleep or creates a relaxing oceanside environment Gentle Rain - A gentle rainfall provides a peaceful setting for relaxation and sleep. The shower sound is particularly good at masking higher toned background sounds Stream - A rippling mountain stream helps you unwind and creates an excellent background sound for daily activities in the home or at the office White Noise - The steady flow of a cascading waterfall is perfect as a natural white noise for masking unwanted background sounds Forest - Peaceful songbirds take you to a secluded forest for relaxation or contemplation Thunderstorm - Unwind to the exhilarating, but soothing sound of distant thunder. More information...
Friday, July 30, 2010

We now carry herbal products from the Hsin Kuan Herbal Store and Clinic

All our remedies are now available online for worldwide shipping!

Five important facts about Hsin Kuang Herbal Store and Clinic:

  • specializes in treating rare and refractory diseases
    rather than providing general health supplements and vitamins.
  • does not sell raw herbs but professionally made
    capsules and herbal pills with exact formulas and dosage instructions
    for easy consumption.
  • is managed by seven highly qualified and
    licensed herbal doctors making us one of the largest TCM centers of
  • has been established since 1956 in London's
    Knightsbridge district and treats an average of 15000 patients each
  • to take our success beyond UK to people all over the
    world all our remedies are now available online for worldwide shipping.
More information
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Buy Pet Meds Online

Below are listed all pet medications that are currently available.

Buy Cheap Atopica

Atopica (Cyclosporine)

This product is an oral soft capsule for the treatment of skin allergies in dogs. Signs of skin allergies are scratching, licking, gnawing, chewing, skin infections, hair loss, terrible odor and sleepless nights.
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Buy Cheap Drontal

Drontal (Praziquantel/Pyrantel)

Drontal is a prescription medication FDA approved for use in cats and kittens. Drontal is a broad spectrum dewormer used in the treatment of tapeworms, hookworms and large roundworms in cats and kittens.
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Buy Cheap Drontal Plus

Drontal Plus (Praziquantel+Pyrantel Pamoate+Febantel)

This product is a broad spectrum dewormer used in the treatment of tapeworms, hookworms and roundworms and whipworms in dogs.
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Buy Cheap Frontline Plus

Frontline Plus (Fipronil 9.8% and S-methoprene 8.8%)

Frontline Plus provides convenient and effective flea and tick control in dogs and cats, puppies and kittens. It is effective against all stages of the brown dog tick, the American dog tick, lone star tick and deer ticks (the major carrier of Lyme disease). It also kills flea eggs and flea larvae.
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Buy Cheap Frontline Spray

Frontline Spray (Fipronil 0.25%)

This product provides fast acting, effective flea and tick control for adult dogs and cats and for puppies and kittens 8 weeks of age or older. It is effective against all stages of the brown dog tick, the American dog tick, lone star tick and deer ticks (the major carrier of Lyme disease). It is also used to kill fleas.
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Buy Cheap Frontline Top Spot

Frontline Top Spot (Fipronil 9.7%)

This product provides convenient and effective flea and tick control for dogs and cats, puppies and kittens. It is effective against all stages of the brown dog tick, the American dog tick, lone star tick and deer ticks (the major carrier of Lyme disease).
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Buy Cheap Heartgard Plus Chewables

Heartgard Plus Chewables (Ivermectin+Pyrantel Pamoate)

This product is given to dogs once a month for the prevention of heartworm disease. This product also protects against hookworms and roundworms in dogs. It is recommended by the American Heartworm Society that heartworm prevention be used year round. This product may also be used for purposes other than those listed in this guide.
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Buy Cheap K9 Advantix

K9 Advantix (Imidacloprid/Permethrin)

K9 Advantix is a monthly preventative for dogs that both repels and kills fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes. Because it repels and kills, K9 Advantix offers a more comprehensive protection against fleas & ticks in comparison to other veterinarian-recommended brands. K9 Advantix stops biting fleas within three to five minutes and kills 98-100 percent within 12 hours.
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Buy Cheap Malaseb Shampoo

Malaseb Shampoo (Miconazole nitrate 2%+Chlorhexidine Gluconate 2%)

This product is an antifungal and antimicrobial shampoo used for dermatological conditions such as ringworm and dermatitis caused by gram positive bacteria, fungi and yeast . This product can be used for dogs, cats and horses.
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Buy Cheap Metacam

Metacam (Meloxicam)

This product is an oral nonsteroidal ant-inflammatory drug (NSAID). This product works by reducing hormones that cause pain and inflammation in the body. This product is used to reduce pain, inflammation and stiffness as a result of acute and chronic musculoskeletal disorders such as osteoarthritis. This product may also be used for purposes other than those listed in this guide.
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Buy Cheap Optimmune

Optimmune (Cyclosporine)

This product is an immunosuppressive agent used to reduce inflammation in the eye(s). This product is used to treat chronic dry eye (KCS, keratoconjuntivits Sica) that may be caused by inflammation. This product may also be used for purposes other than those listed.
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Buy Cheap Revolution

Revolution (Selamectin)

Revolution is a topical parasiticide applied once a month for the prevention of heartworm disease in dogs and cats. Revolution is also used on dogs for the treatment or prevention of fleas, the American Dog Tick, ear mites and canine sarcoptic mange. When used on cats it is also used to treat or prevent fleas, ear mites, hookworm and roundworm. It is recommended that heartworm prevention is used year round. Revolution may also be used for purposes other than those listed in this guide.
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Buy Cheap Rimadyl

Rimadyl (Carprofen)

This product is a nonsteroidal ant-inflammatory drug (NSAID). This product works by reducing hormones that cause pain and inflammation in the body. This product is used to reduce pain as associated with surgery or dental procedures. This product is also used for the treatment of inflammation and stiffness as a result of conditions such as arthritis or hip dysplasia. This product may also be used for purposes other than those listed in this guide.
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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

From PMS to PPD-Understanding the Pases of the Female Body

The female body is a mystery to most--including women! With cycles and phases, hot flashes and periods, it's no wonder people get a little confused when discussing the who, what, when, where and why of the female body. This e-book should shine a little light on the subject. When you're done reading, hopefully and new found appreciation of the complex systems that keep our bodies in check will be developed. If not, at least you'll know just what causes PMS and why pregnant women have morning sickness.

Are you ready to learn all there is to know about the science of the female? Hold on tight! It's going to be an emotional, nausea-ridden, and otherwise stereotypically feminine ride.

How to be genuinely happy

Life isn’t the sweetest candy. Sometimes, when I feel like the world is just too heavy, I look around and find people who continued to live fascinating and wonderful lives. And then thoughts come popping into my mind like bubbles from nowhere – “How did their life become so adorably sweet? How come they still can manage to laugh and play around despite a busy stressful life?” Then I pause and observed for awhile… I figured out that maybe, they start to work on a place called ‘self’.

So, how does one become genuinely happy? Step 1 is to love yourself.

My theology professor once said that “loving means accepting.” To love oneself means to accept that you are not a perfect being, but behind the imperfections must lie a great ounce of courage to be able to discover ways on how to improve your repertoire to recover from our mistakes.

Genuine happiness also pertains to contentment. When you are contented with the job you have, the way you look, with your family, your friends, the place you live in, your car, and all the things you now have – truly, you know the answer to the question “how to be genuinely happy.”

When we discover a small start somewhere from within, that small start will eventually lead to something else, and to something else. But if you keep questioning life like it has never done you any good, you will never be able to find genuine happiness.

I believe that life is about finding out about right and wrong, trying and failing, wining and losing. These are things that happen as often as you inhale and exhale. Failure, in a person’s life has become as abundant and necessary as air. But this should not hinder us from becoming happy.

How to be genuinely happy in spite all these? I tell you… every time you exert effort to improve the quality of life and your being, whether it is cleaning up your room, helping a friend, taking care of your sick dog, fail on board exams and trying again, life gives you equivalent points for that.

Imagine life as a big score board like those which are used in the NFLs. Every time you take a step forward, you make scoring points. Wouldn’t it be nice to look at that board at the end of each game and think to yourself “Whew! I got a point today. I’m glad I gave it a shot.”, instead of looking at it all blank and murmur “Geez, I didn’t even hit a score today. I wish I had the guts to try out. We could have won!” and then walk away.

Genuine happiness isn’t about driving the hottest Formula 1 car, nor getting the employee of the year award, earning the highest 13th month pay, or beating the sales quota. Sometimes, the most sought after prizes in life doesn’t always go to the fastest, the strongest, the bravest or not even the best. So, how do you become genuinely happy? Every one has his own definition of ‘happiness’. Happiness for a writer may mean launching as much best selling books as possible. Happiness for a basketball rookie may mean getting the rookie of the year award. Happiness for a beggar may mean a lot of money. Happiness for a business man may mean success. So, really now, how do we become genuinely happy? Simple. You don’t have to have the best things in this world. Its about doing and making the best out of every single thing. When you find yourself smiling at your own mistake and telling your self “Oh, I’ll do better next time”, you carry with you a flame of strong will power to persevere that may spread out like a brush fire. You possess a willingness to stand up again and try – that will make you a genuinely happy person.

When you learn to accept yourself and your own faults. You pass step 1 in the project “how to become genuinely happy”.For as long as you know how to accept others, you will also be accepted. For as long as you love and know how to love, you will receive love ten folds back.

Again, throw me that same question “how to become genuinely happy?”. I’ll refer you to a friend of mine who strongly quoted- “Most of us know that laughter is the best medicine to life’s aches and pain. But most of us don’t know that the best kind of laughter is laughter over self. Coz then you don’t just become happy… you become free.”
Friday, July 9, 2010

We carry a complete line of diabetic products

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Smith-Nephew No-Sting Skin Prep Protective Wipes Box of 50

Smith & Nephew No-Sting Skin-Prep Protective Wipes are: Effective protection between tape and skin. Reduces risk of tape stripping. Helps tape, film and appliance adhes... [Read more]

ExtendBar Peanut Butter Chocolate Delight - Naturally and Artificially Flavored

ExtendBar Peanut Butter Chocolate Delight is an ideal snack between meals and before exercise or bed for diabetics. Sugar Free and has Only 1g Net Carbs. Helps control bloo... [Read more]

Medtronic MiniMed Paradigm Quick-Set Infusion Set Box of 10

The Quick-set Infusion Set offers a 6mm soft cannula for leaner individuals or a 9mm soft cannula for most everyone else. We carry 23 inch and 43 inch Tubing. The Quick-set... [Read more]

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Novo-Nordisk Novolin-N Insulin - NPH, Human Insulin Isophane Suspension(recombinant DNA origin), 100 units/mL, Vial of 10mL. [Read more]

Diabetic Shoes: Acor Comfort Street Diabetic Shoes - Bone

Acor Comfort Street Diabetic Shoes are perfect for accomodating swollen feet. It is made from a stretchable material that comforms around your feet. Machine Washable. Avail... [Read more]

Omron MicroAir Vibrating Mesh Nebulizer System Kit - NE-U22V

The Omron MicroAir Vibrating Mesh Nebulizer System is the world's smallest nebulizer. It utilizes the Vibrating Mesh Technology to efficiently deliver solution medications.... [Read more]

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The Unifine Pentips by Owen Mumford are triple sharpened and have a unique silicone lubricating coating for maximum comfort. These universal needles easily fit into virtual... [Read more]

FREE Freestyle Lite Meter with 200 Test Strips

Get a FREE Freestyle Lite Blood Glucose Meter Kit with the purchase of 200 Freestyle Lite Test Strips. The FreeStyle Lite Blood Glucose Monitoring System makes testing your... [Read more]

FREE AgaMatrix WaveSense KeyNote Meter Kit with 200 Strips

Buy 4 boxes of the Aga Matrix KeyNote Glucose Test Strips (200 strips total) and receive the AgaMatrix Blood Glucose Monitoring System for free! The AgaMatrix Diabetes Mete... [Read more]

UltiCare U-40 Pet Insulin Syringes - 29 Gauge 1/2 cc 1/2 inch Box of 100

UltiCare Vet Rx U-40 Insulin Syringes - 29 Gauge 1/2cc 1/2inch (12.7 mm) needle, 100 Single use syringes (10 packs). For 20 units or less. For Veterinary Use Only. You shou... [Read more]


Air Purifiers


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Blood Pressure Monitors

Contact Lenses

Bifocal lens

Color disposable lens

Daily disposable lens

1-2 week disposable lens

Monthly lens

Gas Permeable lens

Novelty Lens

Store Brand lens

Toric lens

Vial lens

Creams, Lotions and Powders


Diabetic Books

Diabetic Care

Diabetic Dietary Supplements

Diabetic Food

Diabetic Foot Care

Diabetic Testing Supplies

Glucose Monitoring

Glucose Test Strips


Insulin Coolers

Insulin Pumps

Insulin Pump Supplies

Needles and Syringes

Pet Diabetic Supplies

Medical Equipment

Mobility Equipment (scooters)


Herbal Products

Natural Supplements

Pet Meds

Prescription Drugs (Brand)

Prescription Drugs (Generic)

Senior Monitoring Device

Sound Oasis Sound Therapy System

Eye Glasses

Contact Lenses

